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The Flamiche  
The flamiche, tart dinantaise is made from a base of fat cheese ( boulette de Romedenne) butter and eggs, is eaten hot and preferably accompanied by Savigny, a Burgundy wine.

Legend has it that the flamiche finds its origins from the clairvoyance of a farmer’s wife from Romedenne. Indeed, on her way to Dinant, to sell the products of her farm on the market, she fell and the products in her basket butter eggs and cheese became mixed together. She ran to a friend who was baking her bread. Making a base from some dough she added the mixture from her basket and put it in the oven. The flamiche was born.
This speciality, from the ‘Cité des Copères,’ is given place of honour by the brotherhood ‘Confrérie des Quarteniers de la Flamiche Dinantaise’ (C.Q.F.D.) which was created in 1956 and whose essential goal is ‘to make known the specialities and charmsof the Dinantaise region as well as the regional culinary traditions’.

A competition for the biggest eater of flamiche is organized during the braderie of the St. Nicolas area on the first Saturday of September during the ‘Chapitre du Tournoi’ of the C.Q.F.D.

The Recipe

Ingredients :

*500 gms bread dough

*250 gms butter

*500 gms cheese (boulette de Romedenne)

*13 eggs (30cm base) 15 eggs (35 cm base)

* salt and pepper

A very thin layer of dough on the base

Spread out on the dough small pieces of the cheese and butter

Beat together all the eggs and add salt and a fair amount of pepper

Pour the eggs onto the mixture

Cook in a hot oven (220°c) for about 20 mins

Eat straight from the oven wit an excellent Burgundy wine

It is possible to order your flamiche the whole year at the following places:

Laurent BAYET
rue Caussin, 98
5500 Anseremme
J-Philippe PIROT
rue Léopold, 8
5500 Dinant
rue grande, 72
5500 Dinant
Gemechenne, 25
5500 Dinant