Ville de Dinant EN
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The most well know gastronomic speciality are the Coques of Dinant and the Coques of Rins. These famous coques are the glory of the local cake shops.

There is also the “flamiche”. If you come to Dinant, you will not find these delicious cheese tarts in the windows of the shops. The reason for this is that this speciality must be eaten hot, which means, straight from the oven. As one restaurateur Dinantais said so well in a book about Walloon gastronomy “ it is the client who waits for the flamiche, as the flamiche does not wait for the client”

It is also for this reason that this tasty tart is only made to order. However, if you come to Dinant during the open air sale, which is held in the beginning of September, you can try one or more slices, depending on your appetite.